Sunday, 27 March 2011

I'm at it again.

Concerned my blog may have taken a turn for the philosophical, I felt compelled to touch base with the intended purpose of this blog.

I've broken out the tools, and what started as tearing apart an old stereo to quickly fix a speaker wire lead, turned into pure, unadulterated innovation.

I used a small pair of car speakers I had laying around to test if my repair had in fact, repaired the stereo. Sitting next to the small speakers happened to be a decorative box for a rather expensive bottle of scotch (to answer the question nagging those of you keeping tally, yes, scotch is my lifeblood.) illustrated thusly:

The decorative box, as it lays among the casualties of electrical repair war.

The seized and corroded gears in my head made a valiant effort to spin to accommodate inspiration. Instead, this is what transpired:


John Walker would be proud.
It would be more convincing if his portrait was actually facing the project, I admit.

It will soon find a home as the centre speaker for my surround sound system. I find it very classy and representative of my crippling alcoholism! ha, ha!

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