Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Content Generation Happy Fun Times!

I've taken it upon myself to do a little bit of interwebs research. My goal? Find out what potential readers are on the lookout for when they are contemplating the perusal of a new blog. The unlikely answer?

Curious to learn more about this evasive concept, I engaged in a delicate fandango with the lusty mistress Google. Within seconds, I was sliding my throbbing search term deftly into her eager text field. In the heat of the moment, I forgot to wear a Boolean on my engorged expression. 

"content -n: something that is to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing, or any of various arts."

If I'm reading this correctly, and I'm probably not, people visit blogs to be entertained?! My dear readers*, please collect your monocles which have most certainly dislodged themselves in a comical fashion. It shouldn't come as such a crippling shock; the fact that you're reading** this implicates you as one of those people desperately yearning for content.

I always say that I am keenly devoted to making strangers smile***. As such, I implore you to pore over some links I've delicately prepared for you****.
This is "The Story of Stuff." It's a quick summary of some of the negative impacts of consumer culture.
This is a full 2-hour long documentary on the horrible and embarrassing events that unfolded during the G20 summit in Toronto.
Athene's Theory of Everything. Yeah, that about sums it up.

It's actually very depressing if you spend too much time thinking about the state of society and humanity right now.

*There's none.
**You're not.
***I'm not. 

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